Day Three

It is great to get a chance to talk to the product group that is building the stuff we developers are going to be using. The purpose today was to discuss upcoming features in the C# language and the .NET Framework. The topics discussed were not surprisingly new, as a lot of ‘cool new stuff’ (™) has been shown during the PDC. But in stead of listening at it all in the middle of a 1000+ group of people, you’re actively invited to have your say about it directly to the people that are going to build it. Upon my question as to the relation between (D)Linq and ObjectSpaces, I’m now pretty confident that the former is not going down the same road as the latter.

I’m not sure if I get a chance to update the blog right after the last day, so I’ll just write some stuff up front. It’s the same sessions as yesterday, but because all sessions are done at the same time, we can go to the ones that were missed yesterday. The summit will be ended with a BBQ, Sean’s favorite hobby.  

I’ve updated the gallery again.