“Congratulations! On behalf of Microsoft, we are happy to welcome you to the Microsoft Certified Trainer (MCT) Program. You will be sent a Microsoft Certified Trainer Welcome Kit within four to six weeks.”
Yes, that’s the e-mail I received this morning.
As part of my personal improvement plan, I decided to go for the MCT certification. There are several ways to achieve this, but basically you need to have a major Microsoft certification, such as one or more of these. Step two is to demonstrate instructional skills, like this. In my case, I chose option 2: Attend and pass a presentation skills course. The course I took was this one, by Monique Kerssens (in Dutch). Monique is a very experienced trainer herself, provides good feedback on your strengths and weaknesses. I really learned a lot from her.
I was a guest lecturer for strategic analysis (basically just statistical analysis) for about 4 years, but I’m not doing that anymore. But there the urge to teach was still present. Perhaps it’s family related, as my mother was a teacher for 13 years. Anyway, according to my transcript, I’m allowed to teach over 80 different courses. I’m looking forward to teaching any of these.
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